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NATION IC Topstyret

Nation IC Top guided window


Top guided windows are mostly used on low rise buildings and multi-storey structures with balconies where the windows can be cleaned from outside and good ventilation is required.


The opening mechanism in a top guided window is located in the window jambs; friction slides in the jambs maintain the open position. Upon opening, the bottom of the sash moves outwards whilst the top is drawn downwards, thus producing better ventilation. The sash is held shut by a single handle that operates a multilocking point espagnolette with a night vent position.

  • Product information:
  • Uw: Double: 1,32 W/m²K | Triple: 0,77 W/m²K
  • Glass dimensions: Double (28 mm): 4-20-4 | Triple (48 mm): 4-18-4-18-4
  • Styling bar: 22/23 mm og 42 mm
  • Frame dimensions: 50 x 122 mm / 149 mm / 175 mm / 210 mm
  • Manuals